Get the lowdown on where to play football in Barcelona and meet the locals. And maybe even share a few beers afterwards!

Where to play football in Barcelona
Recently, the conflict between tourists and locals has become a bigger topic in Barcelona. Locals are tired of so many tourists visiting the vibrant city and are not afraid to show their displeasure. Signs saying ‘tourists go home’ are all over the city especially in neighbourhoods such as Barceloneta. The negative sides of mass tourism are all over the news but the combination of locals and tourists can also be a great thing!
Both parties share a lot of passions that bring them together. Take the most popular sport in Barcelona for example, football. This sport is so much more than just the fan base of FC Barcelona that unites locals and tourists. Football has always been a sport that connects people from different backgrounds. And the startup company CeleBreak enables tourists, locals and expats to play football together on a fun basis in Barcelona on the best fields the city has to offer.

Connect with tourists, locals and expats
Many people arriving in Barcelona or even living in Barcelona do not know where to play football. They do not have enough players to play a casual football match and at the same time many do not want to join an official amateur football club. CeleBreak, founded by Daniel Foth, Sebastian Foth and cousin Gabriel Fustero, offers a solution for everyone who is looking to play football in Barcelona. Their passion for football and the community creation through football became the concept of the company.
What are the playing options?
Every day of the week, 3 times per day, in 7 different fields throughout the city you can play football. These Daily Pick Up Sessions are casual matches which anyone can join: whether you’re a total beginner or a semi-pro. After playing one hour there will be a post-game beers to also meet new people who share the same passion for football. If you are travelling in Barcelona, the easiest way to sign up is through Airbnb Experiences!

Women’s football is growing in Barcelona too!
CeleBreak does not only organise Daily Pick Up Sessions. They are also run 7-a-side Amateur Football Leagues for anyone that wants to play a little more competitively.
There are Full Season Sunday Leagues with 38 matches that are played for 9 months during September to May. And then there are the Half Season Leagues, great for players who will be in Barcelona for a shorter time or just want to join a shorter league. Play once a week against 8 different teams for 4 months. The day of the week you want to play can be chosen from Monday to Saturday.
CeleBreak has selected the most attractive football pitches in Barcelona to ensure that you play on quality fields. It does not matter on which level your football skills are, there will be teams of all skill levels in the league and the community you are stepping into is the most important part.
During the games you can enjoy some great music and afterwards there will be an opportunity to share beers with your teammates and new friends at one of the bars located at the fields or nearby.

We are the champions!
Being part of the CeleBreak community also gives you access to deals in nightclubs and bars in order to celebrate after the matches with your teammates or even your rivals on the pitch.
Do you want to play a Pick Up Session when you are visiting Barcelona, or just to get a feeling of the atmosphere? You can book a session through Airbnb Experiences. Or if you are living in Barcelona, even temporarily, you can sign up for any match at, contact them on WhatsApp at +34 933 946519, or send an email to
Watch the CeleBreak trailer
I had no idea this went on, might have to check it out with some of my friends.
Do it Charlie!
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