Sarah Everitt shares her daily struggle with improvisation addiction that has led to her 5th term of improv classes. She encourages you to become addicted too!
An old wooden door adorned with a fresco of graffiti on a dark, narrow street in the Born doesn’t look like the obvious place for an addiction to begin. Or at least not the kind you’d expect. It was my first class from Barcelona Improv Group (BIG). I’d signed up the week before in a fit of late night bravado. So I took a deep breath and pushed open the door.
Just as Lucy emerged from an old, wooden wardrobe into the magical land of Narnia, I stepped through that door into a world where anything is possible. Whatever is real for you becomes real for your scene partner, and before you know it, you’re on a mission to peel a banana on the moon with a priest, venture on a disastrous first date with a stormtrooper, or attend a spa where the only treatments are given by kittens licking your feet. The fantastic Barcelona Improv Group teachers create a safe space where you can let loose, form connections with others, and just play like a kid. Is it addictive? Hell yeah!

Gemma, James, Nina & Alan slideshow