Platja de Mar Bella
Today I will wake up with a plan, today I am setting out to discover my beloved city. Barcelona is indeed my perfect place to wake up.
In order to make it right this time, I am placing myself at the Platja de Mar Bella. It is an amazing feeling to be here with the fisherman in the morning and to have the rising sun in my back. The sunshine lets the sea gleam and fresh air fills my lungs. I love to be close to the ocean. Read the rest of this article…

Festa Major de Gràcia 2012
The Festa Major de Gràcia started last Wednesday (Aug 15th) and is on until this Tuesday 21st August. It is one of my favourite events in Barcelona. So beautiful, so incredibly imaginative. 18 streets were decorated this year and they all looked fabulous. The winner for 2012 was Carrer de Verdi, always one of the better ones.
Take a look at the pictures below for a taste of the festival and the street decorations. And if you haven’t been already I encourage you to take a stroll before it closes on Tuesday.
You can check out the festival website at www.festamajordegracia.cat for a list of the streets taking part and a map highlighting them. Read the rest of this article…