“Like most people who have written this, my day would be pretty crammed full but I start early so I should be able to fit it all in without stretching the imagination too far…
First of all I would be up before dawn to run down to the beach to take the early morning Beach Fit Barcelona training session. The run takes me through the Arc de Triomf and the Parc de la Ciutadella in the crisp of the early morning and is one of the only times when this vibrant city is quiet and empty.

Beach Fit Barcelona
Beach Fitness Barcelona is all about having fun whilst getting fit outdoors – away from the stuffiness and routine of the gym. Every session is different which keeps it interesting and we mix up the circuits, strength work and running with team games and exercises. It is my absolute perfect way to start the day, and at this time of year we also get to see the most stunning sun-rises over the Mediterranean. Read the rest of this article…
“It would be much easier to write about ‘my perfect WEEKEND in Barcelona’ as I have so many favourite places and things to do and they all depend on whether it’s a day spent with my family, a day having some well earned ‘me’ time or whether we have visitors to entertain. However, the remit given was to write about a day so to fit it all into 24 hours I shall make it possible by hiring a special flying machine that has the ability to travel everywhere at close to the speed of light allowing time to stand still. This is of course in complete contrast to the reality of days and nights out in Barcelona. Nowhere else could the phrase ‘time flies when you’re having fun’ be more apt. Read the rest of this article…

Buenas Migas, Plaça del Mar, 1
“Firstly my perfect day would have about 36 hours in it. At least! Having had a long and lovely night’s sleep, I would wake up early, and drive or cycle to the beach. Next to the W Hotel at the end of the Barceloneta beach, there is a great place to swim. I would meet up with my swimming buddies and have a long 2km swim. Then, run up the beach and have a well deserved cup of tea at the Buenas Migas (‘good crumbs’ in Spanish). They do great focaccia and cakes. I would chill there for a while, watching the sun over the sea and the hippies doing their morning yoga on the beach. Read the rest of this article…

JC (aka Jean-Claude, when he’s naughty)
“Well, my perfect day would start by waking up slowly – I’m normally woken up by my cat, JC, (stands for Jean-Claude. Not Jesus Christ) treading on my head (which I don’t really mind). From my bed all I can see is blue sky and lovely verdant tree tops which is very relaxing. I’d then have breakfast sitting on the terrace in the sun. Fortunately I have a big terrace so it’s a great way to start the day. Read the rest of this article…