2012 18/07

Barcelona Facebook Pages

Barcelona Facebook PagesFacebook Pages are a great way to keep up to date with what’s happening at your favourite places without going to their website all the time. Events, offers, photos. Just ‘like’ the page and their latest news appears in your news feed. If they keep their pages up to date that is!

Below is a list of Facebook Pages (and a few Groups) relating to Barcelona. I realise there are hundreds out there. But these are the ones I’ve come across during my time here (and some friends pages). I hope you find something of interest.


  • Barcelona Metropolitan – The mummy and daddy of Barcelona Guides. It has articles on all sorts of topics. Great restaurant posts from the annoying (only because she has such a fab job) Tara Stevens.
  • Barcelona Miniguide – The slightly wayward child of Barcelona Guides. So therefore my preferred guide.
  • Hidden Treasures BCN – A Facebook only endeavour. It’s all in the title.
  • Le Cool Barcelona – Want to know what’s really going on in Barcelona? Le Cool has the low-down on some of the quirkier events.
  • Me Encanta Barcelona – I love Barcelona too!
  • Videos from Barcelona – A video only city guide. The 80 or more videos are hosted by the irrepressible Gina Tost.

Check out more Facebook Pages for the arts, music, bars, food and… a butifarra private members club?!… Read the rest of this article…

2011 17/01

Le Cool Barcelona

Le Cool - A Weird and Wonderful Guide to Barcelona

A Weird and Wonderful Guide to Barcelona

So as I mentioned in a previous post, BCN Days was slightly inspired by the interviews each week in the Le Cool London email newsletters. I found out about Le Cool whilst looking for city guides. They produce guide books for Amsterdam, Barcelona, Lisbon, London and Madrid. But their weekly email newsletters are available for many more cities – Barcelona, Dublin, Madrid, Lisbon, London, Istanbul, Moscow, Budapest, Paris and Vienna. Read the rest of this article…

2011 04/01

What’s this ‘BCN Days’ section?

BCN DaysThis blog is all about discovering Barcelona. And the best way to discover a city is to ask the people who live in it what they like to do and where they like to go. BCN Days came from this. I wanted people I met to get involved and share their favourite things about this city.

These ‘days’ are not necessarily ones that have actually happened. But more an amalgamation of the things they like to do and the experiences they’ve had. It would be their ideal day if they ever had the time. Maybe after thinking about it they will try to find the time. Read the rest of this article…

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