2019 29/01

Jamie’s Perfectly Autumnal Day in Barcelona

Yes, yes, I know it’s winter. I’m a bit late with this one (apologies Jamie). But we still get those sunny autumn days in January. It’s just a tad colder. Enjoy Jamie’s autumn day and reminisce.

Back in Scotland, autumn would usually set in around the end of the Edinburgh Fringe Festival. The beginning of September brought with it plummeting temperatures, bidding farewell to summer and ushering in the winter wardrobe.

It’s been 3 years since I made the move to Barcelona and autumn here is very different. Whilst it gets cooler in October, you can still squeeze in the occasional beach day and the only additional layering you’ll need is a light evening jacket on the breezier nights.

Jamie Armstrong with a view of Barcelona behind

View of Barcelona from the Collserola

Read the rest of this article…

2017 30/08

Painting and Wine at Arte Bar Barcelona

My fellow artists at Arte Bar Barcelona

This blog is just a hobby, I certainly don’t make any money from it. So it’s always nice to be invited on a food tour or to the odd restaurant now and again. But a painting evening, even with wine, I wasn’t sure about at all. And to be frank, I was a little nervous. But I needn’t be. This was without doubt one of the most fun evenings I’ve had in Barcelona. Read the rest of this article…

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