Ramon of Hidden City Tours in Barcelona

photo of Ramon

Voices, Faces, City Spaces: Ramon Holgado Ordaz (Otoxo Productions)

As part of the ‘Voices, Faces, City Spaces’ series by BCN Mes and Otoxo Productions this short film follows Ramon Holgado Ordaz, a homeless man whose life has been transformed thanks to the Hidden City Tours social enterprise project.

It’s a great little story that will only take 4 minutes of your time.

Ramon, héroe anónimo

An introduction to Hidden City Tours

photo of Lisa Grace and her guides

Hidden City Tours founder Lisa Grace with some of her guides including Ramon on the right

Hidden City Tours is a social enterprise offering walking tours of the Gothic quarter in Barcelona. The difference being that all the tours are guided by homeless people. They are given 60-80 hours training and the enterprise only employs guides fluent in English, German or French, that are free of drug and alcohol addiction and are well presented and good at public speaking. Who better to show you the streets of Barcelona than the people who literally live there. The enterprise tries to offset the growing homeless problem with the boom in tourism in the city. I encourage you to check them out.

Homeless tours in Barcelona

Watch the video below to hear founder Lisa Grace explain the project.

Further information

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