While I was doing my post a couple of weeks ago about Munich Sports I came across an iPhone app they have produced that lets you personalise your own trainers. There’s also a website which does the same thing at Munich My Way.
Check out the funky (and slightly odd) video with the heavy bassline.
Both the app and the website let you choose the colour of 10 separate areas of the shoe including the sole, toe, laces, tongue etc. There is only the Gresca style of shoe you can customise so if you don’t like it then you’re pretty stuffed. Read the rest of this article…
Valentine’s Day in Spain is not a traditional Spanish celebration. But the same applies in Spain as it does in many countries around the world. Gifts and cards are exchanged. Roses, cupids and hearts adorn everything. And chocolate sellers do very well. But where does it all come from? Read the rest of this article…
It’s not often I find a website that makes me stop what I’m doing and an hour later feel like it hasn’t been a complete waste of my time – which is usually the case with YouTube (as entertaining as that hour often is) – but the InTransit website did just that. Read the rest of this article…

Cocktail Shaker by Stuart Sandler
I love fonts. What can I say, I’m a bit of a geek. I’m not a designer by any means, but I’m pretty anal. And I imagine you would have to be too if you designed fonts. There’s some great fonts out there – see the beautiful Cocktail Shaker used for the Homage to BCN logo above – and some universally hated ones such as Comic Sans.
I love cities too. I’ve always loved cities. I think I get it from my mother. I have dreams of retiring to the country some day with a dog and some pigs. And an actual human being too would be nice. But will it ever happen? Probably not. I love cities too much.
So thank God I came across the Show Us Your Type website. Because they love fonts and cities too! Read the rest of this article…
I’ve always thought ‘El Born Chiro’ sounded like a Mexican gunslinger from the days of the Wild West. But Dr. Colin Moore is as far removed from a cold blooded killer as one could get. His chiropractic sanctuary in El Born is the epitome of calm amidst the hustle and bustle of this old ‘wild west’ Barcelona district. Read the rest of this article…

A Weird and Wonderful Guide to Barcelona
So as I mentioned in a previous post, BCN Days was slightly inspired by the interviews each week in the Le Cool London email newsletters. I found out about Le Cool whilst looking for city guides. They produce guide books for Amsterdam, Barcelona, Lisbon, London and Madrid. But their weekly email newsletters are available for many more cities – Barcelona, Dublin, Madrid, Lisbon, London, Istanbul, Moscow, Budapest, Paris and Vienna. Read the rest of this article…

George Orwell’s famous book
It feels great to finally get this site up and running. This project has been in the back of my mind ever since I decided to move to Barcelona. And having been here for 5 months now I have finally ‘cut the ribbon’, so to speak.
It’s all in the title
I have no idea how this site is going to develop. That’s the interesting part. But I’ll write about what I experience and what the city has to offer and see where it takes us. It’s about discovering Barcelona. And hopefully meeting some of the people that live here.
And the title? Well that’s my nod to George Orwell and his book, Homage to Catalonia, which I’ve just finished reading. Check it out! It’s a fascinating account that’s even more poignant when you live here.
And no, before you ask, I haven’t started Spanish lessons yet. But rest assured when I do I shall let you know how spectacularly I fail.