This blog is all about discovering Barcelona. And the best way to discover a city is to ask the people who live in it what they like to do and where they like to go. BCN Days came from this. I wanted people I met to get involved and share their favourite things about this city.
These ‘days’ are not necessarily ones that have actually happened. But more an amalgamation of the things they like to do and the experiences they’ve had. It would be their ideal day if they ever had the time. Maybe after thinking about it they will try to find the time.
If you’d like to write your BCN Day then please get in touch via the email address at the bottom of the website. I’d love to hear from you. The more we have the better.
I also have to give a slight nod for this idea to the interviews in Le Cool each week. There will be more on my favourite Barcelona newsletter another time.
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