Barcelona Metro iPhone App
Apart from the Google Maps app on the iPhone which I use daily to find my way around (but isn’t specific to Barcelona obviously) the app I use the most is Metro de Barcelona from Presselite.
As you can probably guess, this Barcelona Metro iPhone app helps you plan your route when travelling on the Barcelona Metro. I could explain to you how it works but the Presselite website says it just fine.
Barcelona Metro iPhone app features include:
- Latest official map of Metro de Barcelona (2009). Landscape and portrait modes are available.
- Detailed map of all lines in Barcelona (Línea 1, Línea 2, Línea 3, Línea 4, Línea 5, Línea 6, Línea 7, Línea 8, Línea 11, S1, S2, S33, S4, S5, S55, S8, R1, R2, R2 Nord, R2 Sud, R3, R4, R5, R6, R7, T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6).
- Precise location of each station on the map (with a red circle), and also on Google Map.
- A bookmark manager allows you to save your stations and routes.
- The trip planner tool allows you to find automatically the best route to get to your destination in Metro de Barcelona. Travel time is also estimated.
- Interactive map to choose your stations for the route.
- The route planner included in this application does not require a network connection to operate, it works perfectly while in the subway.
- The application locates the nearest subway stations from your position in Barcelona. It is possible to increase or decrease the distance of localization in the settings.
- You can provide an address in Barcelona, the application indicates the stations closest to that address.
The application is available in English, French, Spanish, and German despite what the screenshot might lead you to believe. And for 0.79€ (59p) at the time of writing it is an absolute bargain. iTunes has other Barcelona Metro apps (including an augmented reality one) but this does seem to be the best.
There are lots of iPhone apps specific to Barcelona so more articles on this topic will follow for sure.
What are your favourite BCN iPhone apps? For the Metro or otherwise. Or Android apps for that matter. Leave a comment below.
News! New free app for public transportation, brings all your options together: metro, bus, bicing and even taxi. We just launched so feedback is very welcome! http://enllac.aerstudio.com/index_en.html Give it a go…
This looks great. And it’s free! Will check it out for sure.
For a really in-depth app to the city, its art, architecture, history, culture and music, as well as all the usual tourist stuff, have a look at Barcelona Unbound, http://facarospauls.com/barcelonaApp.php. We’re about to update it again, so any feedback is more than welcome. Thanks!
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